I have received information and materials from JOHNSON & JOHNSON CONSUMER, Inc., McNeil Consumer Healthcare Division, LLC. The opinions stated are my own. This is a sponsored post. #PositivelyPrepared #BacktoSchool #CollectiveBias

It’s that time of year when parents are running around trying to make sure they have everything they need for Back to School. Whether it be new clothes, backpacks, shoes, or supplies to be dropped off at back to school night. We all know the hustle. It’s one that we look forward to yet dread at the same time. But there’s one thing we as parents don’t really think about when you think back to school. Our health. The kids as well as ours (the parents). It’s important for the whole family and I think way too often that gets pushed to the side.
Going back to school means the spread of germs throughout the eight plus hour day while our children are there. Sure, the sickies find there way to us when they’re not in school but they seem to run rampant those first few months. I have two children in elementary and one in middle. Luckily it seems my oldest, who’s 12, has kind of outgrown the get sick at the drop of the hat (or germ) the older he gets. But sadly my younger two, 8 and 9 have not. Because of this we made a trip to Target and bought some extra supplies for the home. I have a game plan in place this year!
First step, expect the unexpected
Not everything goes as planned. Whether it be a change in plans, a unexpected rainy day, or health concerns such as the common cold, flu, headaches. With kids you just never know. You know it’s coming, that first fever of the school year. So why not stay on top of it by keeping some Children’s MOTRIN® on hand. Not only is Motrin nice to have on hand for fevers but it can also help with symptoms from the common cold, flu, headache and sore throats. All of which I am sure we will experience this school year. A nice thing is it comes with three flavor options, Bubble Gum, Grape and Cherry.

It’s never easy seeing your babies under the weather.
Second step, always be prepared.
My mother always told me you could never be too prepared. Naturally I didn’t believe her until I became a mother myself. Now I know better and plan for everything. If things aren’t planned out it can lead to stress on the body. Stress comes in many forms. For me it’s muscle aches and pains and it is something that I have dealt with for many years. Recently my oldest started to get horrible growing pains, I have never experienced them so I had no idea what was happening when he would suddenly wake up crying in pain. The pain would stop him from playing and doing normal day to day activities. Ultra Strength BENGAY® Cream will soothe minor aches, muscles soreness as well as joints pains such as a backache, arthritis, strains, bruises and even sprains. Luckily someone suggested Ultra Strength BENGAY® Cream to me and it has been so helpful for us that I even keep a tube in my purse.
Third step, get a good nights rest
Being a single mom of three growing kids while working a full time job is rough enough as it is, but suffering from migraines and a bit of insomnia makes it bit harder at times. TYLENOL® PM is a two step process, it helps to relieve pain as well as helping you fall fast asleep and STAY ASLEEP. This is a sleep aid I actually feel comfortable using as it is non-habit forming when used as directed. I’ve decided it’s time, and you know as they say, you have to take care of yourself if you expect to take care of your babies.

Since my oldest is 12 now and in middle school he has a harder work load then my other two children. His backpack is bigger then the backpack I had in high school. Now add in a three inch binder filled with school work as well as all of his school books and a bike lock, its heavy. That kind of weight can put a strain on anyone, especially a growing boy. Since he can use the adult versions of medications, I keep a kit just for him separate from the two little’s. Here is an example of what I have set aside.

What you need in your home kit to ensure you can be Positively Prepared for Back to School with a Tween
- Ultra Strength BENGAY® Cream (to relieve minor muscle aches and pains)
- TYLENOL® (trusted relief for muscle aches and backaches)
- Ice packs & Heat packs (to relieve inflammation from muscle strains)
- Ace bandage (to help provide stability and relieve discomfort from strains)
- Essential oils (to provide therapeutic relief)
- Bandaids
- Toothbrush (a spare on hand to ensure healthy teeth)
- Deodorant (a must for any tween)

What a difference seven years makes. He’s almost as tall as me. As he grows he’s learning independence and part of that is taking care of himself, the home kit has come in handy in helping him learn whole body health.
Get positively prepared with the right pain relief for you and your family at Target. Everything is conveniently located in the Health and Beauty area and all really easy to find. Tell me, what are some of your go to ways to keeping sure you and your family will have a healthy school year? Do you have kids with different medicine kits? Have you used any of the items we purchased as a way to stay ahead of the game? I’d love to hear your thoughts and ideas!
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I am always looking for new ways with chicken.
نقل اثاث داخل الرياض
شركة عزل اسطح بمكة • October 20, 2022
أنا أبحث دائمًا عن طرق جديدة مع الدجاج.