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Wordless Wednesday-Road trip

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We did it. We finally made it to our new home. It only took two days for us to drive across country and the drive went better then I ever anticipated. The kids did wonderful and my husband drove the entire way which of course I had had no complaints.
My camera is non op so i used my phone (gotta love iPhones) to take pictures along the way. So here we go, my semi Wordless Wednesday. 

 Crossing into Arizona
 I missed the sign when we crossed into New Mexico so I shot this as soon as I saw the next sign
 Hello Texas! Haven’t been back into Texas since we left in 2004
 Woohooo, we made it to Oklahoma! 
Home sweet home
For more inspiring photos, head over to The Bona Fide Life, Better in Bulk, Shanamama, From Dates to Diapers, Not Your Momblog, The Divine Miss Mommy , High Impact Mom and Zensible Mama and link your own photo stories!
Already have a Wordless Wednesday post? Link up here & join in the fun.

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