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Summer lovin…had me a blast

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Were getting settled into the new house, slowly but surely we will eventually get there. One thing I am having to get used to is the heat. I’ve never really been one for high temps, even though I’ve lived in Palm Springs, Texas and Georgia. You’d think I would be used to it by now but alas I am not.
So yesterday morning while the littles ate their breakfast and I drank my coffee I decided to blow off my responsibilities and make a run to the store with one goal in mind. Okay actually two. First get some bug spray to kill these pesky ants that seem to love our house so much they have breached our defense systems and come into four rooms inside, and two, buy a kiddie pool. Of course the kids only cared about the second one, I mean really it was the only one involving fun and I will admit I was excited too.
By the time we got home it was over an hour later because I don’t stick to lists and I am an impulse buyer, so by then it was lunch time. While the kids chowed down on food I prepared the blow up pool. I don’t think anyone finished their lunch out of pure excitement so I just had them get in their suits and come outside with me to “help” me fill the pool.
This is the end result.
I love this picture, like seriously love it. My three babies holding hands jumping in together while my oldest is completely airborne, awesome!
Blowing off unpacking was absolutely 100% worth it! 
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