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Sunset Sunday-Mammatus Clouds

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Every time I see those clouds like look like bubbles I ask my husband what kind of cloud it is. I am sure he is sick of hearing me ask it but I think the name may finally be stuck in my head. I was even able to answer someone when they asked me what type they were. Mammatus. They are seriously awesome to look at.
Last week we had a pretty good storm and a few hours before it hit the sky was filled with Mammatus clouds. And when I say filled I am not exaggerating. It was an awesome sight. 

I wish I had a camera capable of taking landscape shots because these next two should be viewed side by side. While the sunset wasn’t that easy to see, it was still beautiful because what you could see was so brilliant and then right next to those brilliant colors was a huge storm cloud. It’s times like these I wish we either had a two story house or lived in the middle of nowhere.

Do you love sunsets? Have tons and tons of photos of them or maybe even just a few? Craig from StayAdventurous and I would love for you to join us in Sunset Sundays and share a few of your favorites.

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