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Sunset Sunday-A perfect weekend

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With the weather being so beautiful outside lately my family and I have been practically living outdoors. I mean how can you spend your days inside when it’s a perfect 80 degrees with a slight breeze. Yesterday was another beautiful day, we spent it at a local festival and then came home washed the car which led to the kids getting soaked which led to hours of fun. It was the perfect Saturday. And what better way to end it then watching the sunset together. By together I mean the kids running around playing and me outside watching them and the sunset. Perfect I tell you.

I hope you all had a beautiful weekend.

Do you love sunsets? Have tons and tons of photos of them? Even just a few photos? Craig from StayAdventurous and I would love for you to join us in Sunset Sundays. On the last Sunday of every month we will include a linky at the end of our post for you to share your photos. We can’t wait to see everyone’s Sunset Sunday photos!
I did my math wrong last week and thought this weeks Sunset Sunday fell on the 31st so I am doing the linky this week. 
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