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Getting over the block, writer’s block

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How does one bring a dying blog back? After my divorce my site all but went poof. I want to bring it back but writers block has me stuck.

blockUsually when I sit down in front of my laptop words just flow. I don’t even need to think about it they just come to me. As of late….actually this year, the words have all but stopped. I sit and I stare. Nothings there. Words don’t come to me. Ideas don’t flow. It’s all but stopped. I’m just like everyone else, I am not immune to writers block but I’ve never had a block this big stand in my way before. I’ve perused Pinterest, cooked new recipes, did fun and exciting things with my kids but it just isn’t there anymore. My creativity has left the building.

poofThis time last year I was looking for a new home, eating healthy, keeping my kids entertained during summer break and exercising. A lot has changed in a year. Now I work full time so there’s a lot of boredom going on for my kids which leads to bickering. Constant bickering leads to stress. Stress leads to less of a healthy menu (pizza is a family favorite and I shall not admit how many times we’ve eaten it as of late), and exhaustion hence the slacking on the exercising. It feels like an all around fail on my part. 

failFeeling like I have failed not only my children but myself is a hard hurdle to get over which no doubt, has hindered my situation. So what is a girl to do to get over this? 

  • Serious brainstorming
  • Talk it out
  • Have a meltdown
  • Cry it out
  • Write it out


Ding ding ding, folks we have a winner. I’m writing it all out. While I’m sure the others work just as well, for me writing it seems to be helping. Hey look at that, I’m actually writing. Putting it out there for the cyber webs to see. You. Are. Not. Alone! Writers block happens. Life happens. Stress happens. Yes it gets me down, way down sometimes but you/I can’t dwell or it will eat you alive. Side note…. the fun little comic bubble’s are helping a bit too. They’re pretty fun to make.

So here we go, my first post to help me kick this writer’s block. My future posts may be a bit random but I am okay with that because I am a random type of person.

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