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Cure the daily #4pmFreakOut with Mezzetta #Giveaway

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This is a sponsored post. I received the same gift pack offered in the giveaway.

Mezzetta-festo low-res

I walk in the door after working all day, looking forward to seeing my three beautiful children and awaiting their “yay, Mommy’s home”. What happens is slightly different. While I do get the happy cheers of me entering the front door I am immediately barraged with questions of “can I have a snack”, “can I have this” “why do I have to do my homework now”, “can I play on the computer”, “can I play the Wii”. My favorite is “What’s for dinner”. Queue Jeopardy music at this question. I look at three sets of huge brown eyes and stare back blankly. My answer is almost always the same…..I don’t know.

There has to be an easier way to combat the daily four pm freak out that us moms experience. I’ve tried planning ahead, I really have, but I consistently fail. My go to is simple meals. While I do love me some simple meals, it tends to get repetitive and well, boring. I’m sure my kids feel the same way I do about it. I mean who really likes getting stuck in a rut? I don’t know anyone that does.


One meal that I have found that while it me be a “simple” meal it is one that can be recreated in a hundred different ways. I’m talking about Spaghetti. The possibilities are limitless, and it’s one of those meals that you can effortlessly elevate with the addition of just one ingredient. That ingredient for this particular days meal was Mezzetta Kalamata Olives. Everyone in this house is an olive fan so when I decide to chop a few handfuls up and throw them into my spaghetti I get ohhh’s and ahhh’s from everyone. It’s a nice little surprise flavor to break up the monotony, and when everyone devours their plates mama is happy.


Another idea is to serve an olive and cheese platter while dinner is cooking. The upside, you can not go wrong with olives and cheese. The downside, when they’re all gone it is truly a sad moment. Like the picture above? All that deliciousness? Yeah it’s gone. I think I may have a few Kalamata olives left but those gigantic garlic stuffed olives are finito. They were amazing. No one could stop eating them.


Mezzetta is on a mission to help moms out and alleviate the daily stress of worrying what is for dinner, and to enjoy family time. You can check out some delicious recipe ideas on their site to help you on your way. Want a chance to win a delicious prize pack filled with Mezzetta products (pictured above) so you can start planning how to cure your #4PMFreakOut….enter the widget below.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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