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Mediterranean Wrap Recipe

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When we first moved here my father in law introduced us to Jasons Deli. Me being the lover of all things food, was instantly in love. If you’ve never eaten there they are not like a traditional deli. They are mainly a sandwich and wrap restaurant but they also have soup, pasta dishes and a great salad bar. One thing the kids enjoy about eating there is they do have a deli counter where they make your food,  so they enjoy watching that aspect of the restaurant. FYI they have the absolute best broccoli cheese soup I have ever had. 

When we eat there I usually get the Mediterranean Wrap. I loved the idea that instead of mayo or mustard or dressings being used in it’s place was hummus. And the combination of the vegetables, meat & hummus was delish. So what does one do when they find a dish they love? Recreate it of course. 

Shanamama’s Mediterranean Wrap

Wrap (you can use flavor you’d like, I just chose the original light)
Turkey or chicken lunch meat
Bell Pepper
Green olives
Kalamata olives
Lettuce blend (I like to mix it up between sweet baby green & bold baby greens)
Roasted red pepper hummus

Chop all your veggies except the lettuce. I like mine pretty thin so I can layer them and still be able to close the wrap.

Spread on a thin (or thick if you want more flavor or just love hummus) layer of hummus onto the wrap
Next layer on your vegetable. I do the olives on the bottom so they don’t roll out while eating the wrap

Now it’s time to put your lunch meat on. If it’s cut rather thin I would use about 6-8 pieces. For thicker cuts use about half that. My favorite part, the lettuce. Pile that on thick. You can never have to much lettuce.

And that’s it. Roll it up and chow down. I made the one pictured below for my husband so it’s a bit thicker so I had to stick it with a few tooth picks to keep it shut. 
Also, they store well in the fridge for a few hours if you make your lunches in the morning.

*I was not asked to write this post, I was simply inspired by a dish I loved & felt compelled to try my hand at recreating it. Additionally I was not compensated in any way for writing this post, although if Jasons Deli were to offer me a years supply of Broccoli Cheese soup I do not think I could turn them down.*
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