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Matzo and Eggs

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I was beyond excited to find Eggs & Onion Matzo, let alone Matzo at all at the store last week. I don’t know what happened but about a year ago the stores where I used to live in Cali stopped carrying it and it’s the only kind I eat. Well I should say the one I prefer, plain matzo is just that, plain. What do you do with matzo besides eat it like crackers? Why make matzo & eggs of course! Everyone has their own way of making them. I’ve even heard of people eating them with jelly on top. Slightly weird in my opinion, but hey, to each their own. My Grandpa used to make the absolute mest matzo & eggs. Not dry yet not runny, they were perfect. I haven’t had matzos & eggs for well over a year now so naturally the first thing I did the next morning after buying the matzo & got everything needed to make some for the kids & I. Today I am sharing my version of matzos and eggs. 
Matzo & Eggs

3 eggs
2 pieces of matzo
Salt & pepper to taste

 Break up the matzo in a bowl
 Pour water into the bowl & let soak for a few minutes
 You don’t want it totally soggy but not crunchy either
 Then drain
 Then put in your eggs & milk & mix
 Add salt & pepper to taste
 Cook on medium heat
Devour Enjoy & savor the flavors
There you have it, a simple recipe for matzo & eggs. I know this recipe isn’t for everyone, my husband still can’t get used to having “crackers” in his eggs but the kids love it as do I.
Have you had matzos & eggs before? Do you prepare them differently or have something special you eat them with? I’d love to hear about the different ways you’ve had matzo & eggs.
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