Fight Toxins with Seventh Generation #FightToxins
I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for Seventh Generation.

Seventh GenerationWe believe our products are healthy solutions for the air, surfaces, fabrics, pets and people within your home–and for the community and environment outside of it. As a pioneer in corporate responsibility, we want our products to make a difference—from their development through to their production, purchase, use, and disposal. We are always evaluating how to reduce their environmental impact, increase performance and safety, and create a more sustainable supply chain. We believe it is our responsibility to set a course for a more mindful way of doing business, where companies act as partners with other stakeholders to create a brighter future for the whole planet.
With the help of Seventh Generation and The Toxin Freedom Fighters, we are bringing awareness to congress on April 30, 2014 to make changes to the The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA). The TSCA was originally passed in 1976, had has not been updated since that time. Under the TSCA tens of thousands of possibly harmful chemicals continue to be used in every day products without proper testing or disclosure by the company producing these products. What The Toxin Freedom Fighters are trying to do is bring awareness and change to this act so that reform can happen, testing can be done on all these unknown chemicals so that we can protect the health of our families as well as to the environment.
Why is chemical reform imperative?
- 85,000 synthetic chemicals have been introduced on to the market since the Toxic Substances Control Act was passed in 1976, the EPA has only required testing on less than 10% of those.
- Some of these chemicals are found in toys and other children’s products, cleaning products, personal care items, furniture, electronics, food and beverage containers, building materials, fabrics, the interior of vehicles, building materials, and fabrics.
- Scientists have linked exposure to toxic chemicals can lead to many health risks, such as cancer, alzheimer’s, learning disabilities, asthma, birth defects, and other reproductive problems.
- The Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) was passed in 1976, and unlike other major environmental laws, has never been updated.
What can you do to help? You can show your support by sharing and signing the Fight Toxins petition! By signing you are showing your support behind this reform and fighting for a healthier future for our children. They only need 100 thousand signatures to bring this measure to congress. And if you feel but I am only one, that one (YOU) still counts! I hope that you will join me in support of this movement. As of the time I signed the petition it was over 81 thousand signatures, so we’re almost there!
For additional information be sure to visit the Natural Resources Defense Council website.