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Chinese Chicken Salad Recipe

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If there’s is one type of food that I could live off of for the rest of my life it would be salads. I love salads. I love creating salads and the options are practically limitless. One could possibly say they actually are limitless. Since discovering a particular salad dressing a few years ago Chinese Chicken Salad quickly climbed my list of all time favorite salads. I may have even eaten four of this particular salads last week. What I really enjoy about it is the light yet full flavor of the salad, and I especially love how healthy it is. 

Chinese Chicken Salad Recipe


  • 2-3 chicken breast
  • Romain lettuce 
  • Spring mix 
  • Cabbage (Purple or Green)
  • Green onions
  • Green olives (optional)
  • Hearts of palm (optional)
  • Crispy chow mein noodles 
  • 1 tsp Sesame oil
  • 1 tsp olive oil
  • Garlic salt 
  • Onion powder
  • Cayenne pepper
  • Annie’s Shitake Sesame Dressing


  • Cook the chicken in the sesame and olive oil until done
  • Season the chicken when it’s almost done with your dry ingredients (garlic salt, onion powder and a bit of cayenne pepper)
  • While that’s cooking finely chop up the lettuce, spring mix and the cabbage as well as the rest of your veggies (onion, olives and hearts of palm)
  • Toss it all together in a bowl and top with the crispy noodles 
  • Slice your chicken (you can do it all pretty or chopped) and place on top of the lettuce
  • Now top your salad with Annie’s Shitake Sesame dressing
Now sit down, relax, grab a glass of wine or beer and enjoy this beautiful salad.

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