Shanamama Menu



They don’t have hamburgers in stores Mom!

It went down like this……

Me: What would you like to have for dinner tonight Jr?
Jr: Wendys
Me: No were not doing fast food
Jr: But I only want Wendys
Me: Why what is it you’d eat there?
Jr: A cheeseburger
Me: Ok well I can buy that stuff at the store
Jr: haha No you can’t Mom, it’s only at Wendys
Me: Um, no it’s not. They sell everything you need at the store to make a cheeseburger
Jr: No they don’t
Me: Actually yes they do. Lets go to the store and when I find what we need you can pay me five dollars for arguing and not believing me
Jr: haha Mom but I don’t have five dollars
Me: Okay well then how about a dollar?
Jr: haha I don’t have any money Mom
Me: What about a quarter then?
Jr: haha I still don’t have any money Mom
Me: Okay then you will give me a bunch of hugs then okay?
Jr: :::giggles:::: Okay Mom

As were walking through the store I stop and gasp (cause I’m totally dramatic like that) and say “Oh my goodness, what is that! I think it’s hamburgers”.  Jr was so excited he was doing little jumps and he ran up and gave me three BIG quick hugs. It feels good to be right LOL

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It’s the simple things

I mean truly it is. What is one thing you enjoy to do? Sit and read a book, drink coffee & read the paper, watch your kids faces light up when they see their Daddy. Simple things that just make your day a whole lot brighter. 
This morning I had a Dr’s appointment and in order to try and get Shawn to be occupied while I was talking with the Dr I blew up a glove into a balloon. It worked like a charm and when I got home I blew another one up for my daughter and they were in heaven. So we went outside for a little bit to run around and play with their balloons. It was so cute to see how happy they were with something as simple as a glove blown up. Who would’ve guessed it was that easy LOL

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What can I say….the girl definitely has style!

I’m thinking, no I know that my child loves accessories. She has tons of purses, she’s always changing shoes and I think she looks totally awesome with her Lei and her one gloved hand LOL oh and don’t forget the slippers. And you can’t see it that well but she is also wearing a headband.  It’s kind of reminiscent of……………  

Yup that’s me circa um, like 1988. Look I had natural blond hair back then! I didn’t have a glove but I had a wrist band (because those were totally awesome back then) and where my daughter has a Lei I had on a beaded necklace. We wont talk about my scarf that I’m wearing as a shirt lol but omg I remember those dress up shoes!
So much fun watching my kids do the same things I used to do as a kid. I can’t wait to see what other outfits my daughter comes up with throughout the years.
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Rice Krispies treats

Hello, my name is Shana, I am 28 years old and I have never made rice krispie treats before ::::hangs head in shame:::: LOL I’ve always wanted to so I finally went out and bought the ingredients I would need, all three of them and got to cooking.

Here’s what you need:
6 cups of rice krispies
3 tablespoons of butter 
10 oz of marshmallows
First lightly spray a 13×9 inch baking pan with cooking spray

Get six cups of rice krispies

The chitlens waiting patiently (sort of)

Melt your butter in a pan and then pour in the marshmallows. Make sure to melt them completely

One the marshmallows are completely melted remove it from the heat and add in your rice krispies.

Mix until the cereal is completely covered in that wonderful gooey mixture

Throw it into your baking dish, or lightly toss, whichever works for you

Now smooth and press it down until it’s all even and filling the dish. IMPORTANT! If using a spatula or wooden spoon spread some butter on it so it doesn’t stick (not a lot, just a like coating) or smooth it with a piece of wax paper.

Let cool and serve same day or cover and save for later.
Since it was the kids first time eating home made rice krispie treats I took pictures. I think they enjoyed them.

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I am not the type of person that goes out and spends tons of money on myself. Whether it be for clothes, makeup, jewelery, purses, pretty much anything, I just don’t do it. But last weekend I saw this really cute shirt at target I knew I had to have it. And added bonus, it was on sale!

On Saturday we had plans to go to my Aunt and Uncles house for Yom Kippur and I figured well this is a perfect time to wear my new shirt. So what did I do. I straightened my hair, did a little poof thing on top (no I don’t know what those are called so I call em poofs), did my makeup (in a new way then I normally do) and off we went. I felt good. I rarely dress up and do the whole kitten caboodle. I always love when I do but being a stay at home mom I just really don’t have any need for it.

The finished result.       

I had gotten a tad bit of color at my sons soccer game so excuse the red face and chest. So my original point to this post was to say that I enjoyed getting all prettied up and I am going to try and do it more often. Even if I’m just going to the grocery store.

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Photo Challenge Week 3

Another week, another challenge. I love it! Brandy chose this weeks theme of capturing an image of a person or persons that seems story like without showing a face. 

While many may think that that is easy peasy it’s not as easy as it seems. At least for me. When I take pictures of my kids or anyone for that matter I tend to take it of their faces unless I see an opportunity when they aren’t facing me that speaks to me. It’s not always simple to find that moment so those pictures are rare.

When I first read what the challenge was I knew I had the perfect picture but I also wanted to include a picture of my kids since I haven’t yet really included them, well I did in one picture but I wanted one specifically of them, if that makes any sense. So I am posting two pictures for this weeks challenge.

The first speaks to me on many levels. This is a picture of my Grandfather on his Harley Ride. It was his first ever and something he had wanted to do his whole life. I am so happy that so many people came together in order to make that happen for him.

This next one is a picture of my youngest. It is one of my favorite pictures of him and yes many might think it is embarrassing but I don’t care, that only makes me like it more LOL Just kidding. It’s just one of those moments where I know he was having a blast playing nakey butt and it’s a moment I will never forget, especially since I have a picture of it.

And I’m not sure if this is specifically what the challenge calls for but it is one of my favorite pictures of my husband and my youngest.

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