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Two out of three aint bad

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(Btw, I am not a fan of the word aint. Every time I hear it all I think of is growing up and my parents saying “aint aint a word so you aint gonna use it”. I just couldn’t think of a better word right now)

Back on topic. I love that out of the three kids, two of them are not in the slightest picky eaters. My oldest (Jr) would never touch what I made Samantha and Shawn for lunch, Shana’s version of Shrimp Scampi, minus all but a tablespoon of butter. I just added some garlic, a little bit of salt and cayenne pepper and wha-la, lunch is served! Shawn is currently on helping number two. He will probably go for one more too. Actually I should specify that he will eat more shrimp, the rice is now covering my dining room floor.

And yes my kids are either half naked or still in their pj’s. Nothing wrong with having a nice lazy day around the house 🙂

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