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Motorola Slim 2000 Power Pack

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* I am part of the Verizon Wireless Ambassador program. A device was provided to me with three months of service in exchange for my honest opinions about the device. All thought and opinions expressed therein are my own *


  • The Motorola Slim 2000 Power Pack is a Universal compact and powerful on the go charger
  • 4 LEDs let you know how much power is left in the charger. When four lights are on it is fully charged
  • Certified CarbonFree design & materials
  • Charge your power pack and your phone at the same time with the two provided ports
  • At just 10mm thick it can literally fit in your pocket


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We currently have three different cell phones in our home and I am excited about trying each one out with this little charger to see exactly how much it can really handle!

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