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Core Power #Giveaway

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If you haven’t noticed, or been following me on Instagram, I’ve been busy making some significant life changes when it comes to my nutritional intake. While I love cooking and creating appealing dishes for my family, sometimes I need something  refreshing – yet filling – on the go. Especially after a vigorous workout with my new BFF, running.

Enter Core Power. Their product speaks for itself:

“Milk is one of the best sources of protein, helping to build lean muscle and recharge the body when consumed directly after physical activity. Core Power is the real-milk based sports recovery drink and contains natural whey and casein proteins found in milk – never removed from their original liquid state. It features simple ingredients and great taste, without a chalky texture.”

5 Olympic Bottles
Some deets:

  • made from lactose-free milk and real honey
  • optimum carb-to-protein ratio for post-workout refreshment
  • helps to build lean muscle
  • uses natural sweeteners such as monk fruit juice & stevia

If you’re anything like me and love finding new foods to try you’ll love the amount of recipes the Core Power website has. It goes way beyond smoothies and shakes. Hello, muffins and pies, yum! Also one extra little tidbit that took me by surprise but I actually really love it is that Core Power is completely safe for kids! Since it’s packed with so much protein it is not suggested for children under two years of age but for those two and older it is safe for them as a form of protein. So, for those of us with really picky eaters? Core power is a nice option to have.
And then there is the little detail of Core Power recently being named the Official Protein Drink of the Sochi 2014 Olympic Winter Games. Dude, that’s PROFESSIONAL ATHLETES!
If that’s not good enough to convince you, how about a little giveaway? Make sure you stay in the loop in all things Core Power and follow them on ALL social media channels!




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  • Melissa

    My favorite winter Olympic event to watch is figure skating. I wish I could look as graceful as them, but I can hardly skate a straight like when I go ice skating :p

  • natalie yeoman

    yes i like snowboarding

  • Lauren Watson

    I haven't watched at all this year, I have been way too busy!

  • susan holt

    Love figure skating! Im just getting into the whole fitness scence so this core product looks promising!

  • Tammy McCarthy

    I have not had time to watch. I need to find time for my own exercise though!

  • marian boll

    The ice dancing was so great and pretty!!!!

  • Starr Greenwell

    I have not watched this year; however, my favorite event to watch is the figure skating. Also, the snowboarding.

  • shannonsfun

    i haven't been watching but love figure skating.

  • Rebecca Lock

    I have only watched a little bit of downhill skiing.

  • tamarsw

    I didn't watch any.

  • Tammy Richards

    I love to watch the figure skating.

  • Carrie M

    I have been watching and I love snowboarding!

  • Christie

    Yes I have and I like the snowboarding.

  • julie murphy

    i watched a little. i like the bobsled and luge

  • nickie

    I didn't watch.

  • courtney gibson

    i haven't watched.

  • Brittney House

    I've been watching. I really enjoyed the figure skating.

  • heather

    Yes I have watched the olympics and my favorite sport to watch is the figure skating.

  • Terra Heck

    I've been watching Figure Skating, Hockey, and Curling. Thanks.

  • sarah rainwater

    Not this year – we don't have cable and the reception is really bad. =)

  • Lyndi Malarchuk

    I've watched a little. They just don't seem as good to me this year. I've enjoyed the skating and my son really liked the ski jump.

  • Tari Lawson

    Yes we have been watching some of the olympics. I have enjoyed watching ice skating and curling.

  • christina moore

    Love figure skating!, I try to walk about 3 miles a day

  • Val23G

    I've been watching hockey

  • April Brenay

    I watch every night, I love the snowboarding

  • danielle hall

    ice skating

  • Bev Henry

    I enjoy the half pike

  • Lisa V.

    I have watch some of the Olympics and my favorite is the skeleton.

  • Darlene Carbajal

    I like ice skating.

  • cherrie

    i love figure skating

  • Colleen Boudreau

    I haven't watched.

  • Nichole N

    I love wathing the skiing!

  • kathychisholm

    I didn't watch them.

  • Meghan Malicoat

    I prefer the summer Olympics personally but I do enjoy Ice Skating.

  • Melissa

    We've watch some, but we don't get nbc so we have to watch online or at my parent's house. My favorite is anything figure skating!

  • Agbeke

    I like figure skationg

  • Danielle Porter

    I haven't watched too much, I normally watch more of the summer Olympics! I have watched some of the couples figure skating though.

  • Michelle

    I enjoyed the sketon racing

  • tina reynolds

    I love watching figure skating my hubby loves hockey

  • hersideofthestoryblog

    i havent watched the olympics

  • amanda whitley

    i havent watched the olympics

  • Sally

    I haven't watched them

  • Sunnymay

    I've watched the Winter Olympics and thought the men's and women's half pike snowboard was amazing. The ice dancing pairs were exquisite and the bobsleds flew by pretty fast.

  • Leah B

    I love the Olympic men's ice hockey!

  • natalie

    I have watched every day and I love figure skating and skiing.

  • Janice Cooper

    I've watched bobsledding and figure skating competition. My favorites!

  • Laura Fugate

    My favorite winter Olympic sport is curling. I just finished watching a match.

  • Christine

    have not had time to watch

  • Amry Still

    My favorite is Ice Skating

  • Michelle

    No, I haven't watched. No time.

  • Britnee

    I havne’t watched, but I do enjoy the snowboarding.

  • beyondnarcolepsy

    I haven't watched the Olympics this year since I don't have cable :/

  • Stephanie Colvin

    Of course I have been watching!! We love speed skating and snowboarding!

  • H.E. DeLuna

    Yes, I love the Olympics. My favorite events are short track, biathlon and snowboard cross.

  • Jennifer Bob

    Figure Skating

  • Toneria M

    I haven't been keeping up with the Olympics this year unfortunately.

  • rebecca

    i haven't watched them

  • Angela

    I watched snow Boarding and Curling.

  • Crystal H

    Yes! I really love all the events, but the luge and hockey are favorites

  • Barbara Platt

    not really, I glance at it off and on to see how our team is doing, I have no fav sport

  • Tammy

    The figure skating is beautiful.

  • Kate

    I am kinda bummed but I don't have any cable/local channels at my house. So little to no olympics watching for me. However, I was loving all the promotions for the Jamaician bobsled team.

  • Denise Davis

    I haven't watched this year but I do love to watch figure skating.

  • Maegan G

    No, I can't bring myself to watch them knowing what they did with those stray dogs ๐Ÿ™

  • Ashlee

    Ice skating is my favorite by far!

  • tina m

    yes, ice skating

  • Kaylee Kuroski

    I loved the snowboarding!

  • paty

    i watched the ice skating it was aweomse

  • Charlotte strickland

    I love figure skating, and downhill skiing!

  • Heather Stokes

    We love watching Curling. ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Lakai

    I didn't watch this year, but i normally watch the snowboarding.

  • latanya

    I have not watched it

  • mrkasick

    I have watched some of the ice skating, and the skiing and snowboarding.

  • jennifer aikens

    figure skating! I have always liked watching this as a kid.

  • Leslie Gaunt

    I have watched, and hockey is my favorite event to watch.

  • Caitlin M.

    The ice dancing is the best event! Also, curling.

  • Cynthia R

    Yes I have been watching the Olympics, I love watching the figure skating.

  • Brynn

    I love watching the figure skating!!!

  • MartiTabora

    I have watched the figure skating wishing that I was as graceful.

  • Misha Estrada

    I haven't watched. When I do watch, I usually watch the ice skating.

  • Kiera M.

    i haven't watched this year but i like the gymnastics

  • Erinn Sluka

    I love the figure skating

  • Christy Maurer

    I've watched some of it. I like the ice dancing and snowboarding.

  • Kelly

    I haven't watched this year's Olympics, but I like skiing.

  • sherry butcher

    I have not been watching, keep up by the sports news and reviews on in the morning.

  • Nicole Lancaster

    I have watched the Olympics all week long. My favorite sport is the figure skating.

  • lkish77123

    I haven't been watching the Olympics.c

  • michelle

    Ive been watching the figure skating! The Ice Dancing was awesome, loved it Davis/White! I was upset last night when Julia from russia fell, that girl is an amazing skater and spinner and only 15. Im sure we will see her next olympics! Oh and my favorite new word is Twizzles LOL

  • yarnaddicted

    I've been watching figure skating, thanks!
    Kim Reid

  • Jim S

    I like the downhill and sledding events

  • Shari

    Have not watched the Olympics, but I like to look at ice skating.

  • bobbi

    yes, i like to watch the snowboarding

  • Tina Derby

    I haven't been keeping up.

  • neyaney

    Ive only watched a little, I like the ski cross

  • Olivia

    I really enjoy hockey.

  • savannah logan

    I love watching figure skating! Even if it does remind me how ungraceful i am.

  • Erica C.

    I've been watching figure skating.

  • Rebecca Peters

    I am watching it right now.. and I love hockey

  • Kayley

    I haven't watched much, but when I do watch I watch the figure skating competitions.

  • Carly D.

    I love watching hockey and ice skating!

  • Lorie Sanders

    i haven't watched the winter Olympics

  • kelly thompson

    we watch it all but we love ice skating and speed skating etc

  • Daniel M

    saw dome of it, liked the mens downhill

  • Ashley

    I have been watching. I like skiing!

  • Heather V.

    No, I haven't been watching.

  • Luna

    I haven't been watching, I don't honestly really plan to.

  • Sonya

    I've watched some, I love the figure skating!

  • angelatrenna

    i haven't watched any yet.. but i do love the figure skating.

  • Stephanie Galbraith

    We have been watching, and we love the Figure Skating.

  • kristy dobbs

    yes i have watched it. My favorite is ice skating and ice dancing

  • liz l

    Figure skating and hocky

  • jayne burchfield

    I love bobsledding!

  • ben


  • Karen Drake

    I haven't had a chance to watch the Olympics but my favorite sport is the figure skating.

  • Lesley F

    I have watched & i like figure skating

  • jovanb77

    I haven't watched this year but I do love figure skating.

  • Nicole Carter

    Yes! I love the figure skating!

  • David

    I watched the hockey(which didn't go our way) and I have stopped on various events as I see them while flipping through the channels.

  • Heather B

    I like watching figure skating and curling

  • lorri

    Who doesnt' love the figure skater. It was great to see the team events this year.

  • jessica keeton

    I have watched the Olympics this year. I've watched skiing, snowboarding, and both mens and women's hockey. I also love (but don't know exactly what it's called) the women's skiing where they have to stop and shoot and then keep going.

  • jeremy mclaughlin

    Yes I enjoy watching the snowboarding.

  • Jasmine P

    Yes, I love watching hockey!

  • BusyWorkingMama

    I loved the figure skating!

  • sarah

    I watched 5 minutes of crazy down hill skiing.

  • Jaime Cummings

    We've watched some of it, we love the figure skating!

  • Mihaela Day

    I haven't watched at all this year ๐Ÿ™

  • Carissa

    I did not watch the Olympics this year, actually never have! Mostly because my kids wont be quiet to actually sit down and watch i gave up trying long ago! :p

  • Kelly B

    I have loved watching the figure skating!

  • lauren knott

    I like watching hockey and figure skating. The hockey game didn't go so well but still fun to watch.

  • Taylor Garcia

    I love figure skating.

  • hofken

    I haven't watched this year. I prefer the summer Olympics.

  • susansmoaks

    i like to watch ice dancing.

  • Jessica

    I like figure skating ๐Ÿ™‚

  • Candice H

    I always like the figure skating and the hockey.
    Thank you

  • Karrie Millheim

    Yes and I love the figure skating

  • alicia keen

    yup, i love figure skating! (petite pilates pixie)

  • elishia bakle

    i have watched some couple figure skating

  • beingpoliticatelycorrect

    I have watched the Olympics. My favorite is the figure skating! Thanks!

    – Nikki

  • Anna H.

    I love watching figure skating!

  • Robin Pearson

    I watched some of the snow boarding. It was on TV and I was at work so I only saw a little while on a break.

  • Jessica Whitehouse

    I'm honestly not following the Olympics this year. I usually like hockey and fiฤure skating, but just not much interested this time.

  • skevens7

    I have been watching bobsledding.

  • laura588

    I have been watching this year. My favorite is ice skating.
    Laurie Emerson

  • Tim

    I sure have. I like the snowboarding and down-hill skiing the most.
    timothy j 228 AT gmail DOT com

  • Rose SantuciSofranko

    I've watched some. I really like the Ski Jumping!

  • Rebecca L

    I love watching snowboarding.

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