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A belated birthday wish

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A week before Jr’s birthday I was planning on submitting a birthday wish on for Jr. I thought he would love seeing his picture on TV and having seeing his birthday announced. As we all know things happen and he ended up spending his birthday in the hospital. It was really hard seeing him in the hospital sick and especially on his birthday, a day we should have been at home celebrating. 
So when we got home I contacted Sprout on twitter asking if they would be willing to do a belated birthday wish for him since we weren’t able to be at home for his special day. Can I just say Sprout is amazing. I cried, yes I cried when they quickly agreed to air a special birthday wish for him even though his birthday had already passed.
Here is my little man’s special birthday wish!
Happy belated birthday my Jr man! 
Thank you so much Shannon & Melissa for doing this, I appreciate it more then you know!
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